
Just a few words

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Good afternoon, everyone! Today’s post isn’t exactly a post but more of a homework assignment, especially for my fellow children-of-hoarders. Amid finals season and with the winter holidays quickly approaching, I have become more stressed and anxious than usual. With the impending season of giving, I know that I will be receiving more possessions in the near future, and I find myself looking around my room, thinking of all the things I could do without and all the things I could throw away or donate, letting them hang like a cloud over my mind. So my words for you today are this:

  • Don’t stress too much about the little things.
  • Your version of maximalism/minimalism doesn’t have to match anyone else’s. Your version of comfort doesn’t have to match anyone else’s. Embrace your lifestyle and aim for happiness.
  • Find what works for you in your space. Please don’t feel like you have to own nothing because you know someone who feels they have to own everything.
  • If you decide to downsize, get rid of what feels right, not what’s convenient. Please don’t go into it with a mindset of looking for something to get rid of.
    • If decluttering is overwhelming, start small. Baby steps. Start with a single drawer, shelf, corner, task.
      • For example, I have been meaning to empty my fridge and clean it out. That’s the one thing I will give myself this week.
    • Set limits for yourself, and don’t push yourself past your limits.
      • Forgive yourself if you over-indulge in letting things go. If you regret getting rid of something, remind yourself that being comfortable in your space is a journey.
  • If you live with someone else, respect each other’s space and boundaries. Compromise on how to love your space together.
  • If you cherish something, hold onto it. If you own something that serves a purpose, use it for its purpose.
  • Maintaining your space should simplify your life and bring you peace and joy, not become another stressful thing.
  • Practice self-care. Read a new book. Start a new TV show. Sip wine while wearing a facemask. Talk to a therapist.
    • My favorite forms of self-care recently involve laying in bed watching Sex and The City and painting my nails, but I have a new book coming in the mail today that I will be starting soon, so that will be on my radar as well.

As always, much love, and I’ll see you all in another post! <3

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