Interested in my little book club? Click the link above to join our Facebook Group and learn more about us!
My name is Lillian Peck, and I am the creator of the Family and Friends of Hoarder Book Club. My goal in creating a book club is to create a welcoming and inclusive space where we discuss one book at a time, at our own pace.
Right now, the book we are discussing is titled, “Stuff: Compulsive Hoarding and the Meaning of Things,” by Randy Frost and Gail Steketee. It can be found at:
Our meeting times will be conducted every other week on Sundays at 8 pm EST. Each meeting will last an hour to an hour and a half and is completely optional but encouraged. This is a low-commitment club, but it will be more engaging and fun if we all can be present. If I can’t figure out how to make a permanent Zoom link for us to use, I will share a Zoom link an hour before the meeting time.
During a typical meeting, we will go around and give a brief summary of our feelings about the chapter, parts that stood out to us, parts that we relate to or find unfamiliar, etc. Then, if time allows, I’ll ask some questions that we can discuss. Of course, there is no set schedule, but everyone who wants to talk will have the opportunity to do so.
That being said, if you want to join to listen in, feel free to. Participation isn’t mandatory, and everyone’s comfort levels will be respected. Each chapter of our current book is crafted as an essay, so it is okay to skip chapters if you cannot read them that week. I will post my commentaries and a short summary to my blog if you would rather read that than the book, which can be found here: